Southwestern Ontario Media Forum

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April 30, 2018 4:36 PM  #1

Moore Lies In The Morning

This morning at 8:28 Jon Boy went on a rant calling (all) Trump supporters a list of names including "Liars".
He's now saying he said "some" (Trump) supporters.

Side note: according to this webpage, John Downs is still employed with Ryan Doyle as hosts of "Ask The Experts".


Last edited by Exidor (April 30, 2018 4:36 PM)


April 30, 2018 6:47 PM  #2

Re: Moore Lies In The Morning

Actually, seeing the name Mark Elliott caused this old jaw to drop.

Last edited by Mike (April 30, 2018 6:48 PM)


May 4, 2018 5:08 PM  #3

Re: Moore Lies In The Morning

Yesterday, Mary Tyler Moore and his 'merry' men and woman of the round table were praising Robertson and Nelson for settling for (only) $1 with the city.  Today Chuck Gurney weighed in and again failed to mention that they received a financial settlement with the company and  a college tuition. 
They used the words "looked fantastic", "great gesture", "classiest", most extraordinary", "generous" to describe the non paying customers.
Lets all head down to the Bell Media offices on Queen and ask to use their washrooms and see what happens.

Note:  the stores that will be closed for "inclussive traing" will only be the owned and operated ones.
What else is going on with Starbucks?
First they knowingly sell coffee that might cause cancer, now this.


Last edited by Exidor (May 4, 2018 5:14 PM)

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