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February 8, 2016 11:13 AM  #1

Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Does anybody, but the media, REALLY care about the trial? Leading story on most outlets most days. Speculation running at max speed. Breaking News, etc.

Slow news day(s)? Don't get me wrong: if most of the allegations are true (remember innocent until proven guilty), then, other than validation for the accusers, what more can happen to the former CBC golden child? Not sure any station would be willing to hire him for fear of the continued "court of public opinion" catching up with them.

"Canada's version of the OJ Simpson" saga indeed, eh?! 


February 8, 2016 12:42 PM  #2

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

The common man isn't interested in it because they've already deemed him guilty.  What I find interesting is some media outlets seem very focused on the fact the alleged victims continued talking to Jian after the alleged sexual assaults. They seem to want to imply his innocence because of the actions of the female.  This ignores the reality that women often return to their abusers. It's like how male convicts get frequent visitors & female convicts do not.

Could Jian ever work again?  Most certainly he could, he'd just have to go to the "other side" aka the right wing.  Trump is a liar and manipulator & his fans adore him. Rob Ford is an admitted addict & overall scumbag.  He's IN office & still has his fan base.   It appears the right cares less about a person's criminal past & more about what they spend money on.  Why a station like AM 640 could well hire him as a talk show host & people would tune in.

My spider-sense (which comes with training in FACS, etc) says he's guilty.  I can't help but get the feeling he's one of those guys so lost in his own narcissism he can't imagine a woman not enjoying rough sex. God, I'd love to get his IP and pull up what type of porn he was streaming.  That said, I think this will be a difficult trial.  I suspect he will be found not-guilty or they'll try to nail him on something minor if they can't get a conviction. Toronto cops did the right thing by taking it public and asking for people to come forward.

In the end I think he'll need to leave Canada for his own safety. Holmoka returned to regular life.  Jian will too. The most ironic part?  He'll probably find himself swarmed in women who believe him.  They're the woman who start relationships with convicts. In their twisted mind they imagine they can nurture him back to normality & he's just understood.  I once met a woman who felt Robert Pickton was just "misunderstood".  Because raping, killing, butchering & feeding a couple dozen women to pigs is just a "misunderstanding".  It's a big fucking world.  Sometimes ignornance is bliss.


February 8, 2016 4:56 PM  #3

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

I, then, need to ask: does the media actually broadcast to the "common man"? If so, then they clearly misread that public on a daily basis! If not, why even bother keeping the power on?!

The issue here is with decreasing personnel and increased pressure to break the news, NDs and PDs search for topics that they think will interest the public. Recently it was the Sammy Yatim/James Forcillo trial where local media where shoving that down the collective throats of the dashpounding public. To what end? Those that hate the cops will continue to do so. Those that bleed for every person that wields a weapon at the police and expects them  to use psychic powers to disarm him will continue to whine about the kid that got whacked.

Now, RBs resident busybody, Christie Blatchford is providing endless coverage about Jian and his BDSM proclivities ad nauseum. It's like a soap to them.

I'm not sure 640 could afford Mr. Ghomeshi after all this. They tend to use producers, receptionists and the maintenance guy with a severe lisp as hosts these days. Shame. It would be nice for RB to have a bit of some competition. Sadly, given Corus Toronto's recent decision to only offer extremely short term contracts to its yakkers, clearly a dusting is 'a coming to that frequency soon.

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February 8, 2016 6:11 PM  #4

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

All 3 women have been discredited without  Marie Heinen breaking a sweat.The easiest quarter-million (or whatever) she'll ever make. It's surreal.


February 8, 2016 6:30 PM  #5

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Agreed, Mike. But can she discredit all 8 women? Even if she takes down 7 of them, all it takes is just 1 for his guilt.

     Thread Starter

February 8, 2016 6:41 PM  #6

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

I thought there were only the 3. If there are 8 as you say, then the Crown's chances  improve dramatically.

BTW, as for JG getting another gig -- he was strictly a CBC phenom.  No one elsewhere would have hired him  even  before all this blew up, IMO.


February 8, 2016 8:18 PM  #7

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Me thinks you all watch too much Law & Order.  All this information was in both parties hands prior to the start of the trial.  There are no secrets & no sudden flash witnesses like on TV.  Now, I'm no judge but I do going to court (and no, not for criminal harassment or murder) lol. 

Court is mostly procedural. It's boring as fuck. While the lawyers can make the argument the victims did spend further time with Ghomeshi, the Crown can easily produce highly trained and reputable types who will demonstrate that's normal behaviour. 

And, again, it's all procedural. I've worked with a few police forces and I'd often talk to the Sergeants about law, policing etc and why the legal system was such an ass sometimes.  Example:  A path to getting off impaired driving charges was to question the handling of the breathalyser.  Who handled it. Who did maintenance.?  Did it receive regular maintenance.  Etc. Etc.  The guy could be falling down drunk, puke on the cop & yet he could well get off on a technicality. 

It's even stricter with data gathered by forensics.  The chain of handling and command MUST be adhered too.  If not, it's no longer evidence even if it's 150 000 photos of kiddie porn & the dude who owned the computer has been charged repeatedly. 

As for Jian being a CBC phenom, sure.  That's because he developed his career in that ecosystem.  Whose to say he couldn't step outside of it?  Could Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh work for public broadcasters?  Could they do anything outside their narrow little realm.  Probably.  Same for JG. 


February 8, 2016 8:32 PM  #8

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Okay, here's a dumb question: If "All this information was in both parties hands prior to the start of the trial", and there was a great chance of discreditation, why didn't the respective lawyers of the (3 thus far) accusers suggest to their clients a withdrawal of their charges? 

Back to Jian being any kind of phenom or "star" -- well, when it's taxpayer-funded state broadcasting, one doesn't have to be good: they just have to fit whatever agenda the CBC is projecting. That and being whatever "ethnic-looking/sounding flavour of the day". If ratings aren't important, mediocrity and low-bar setting is the wheelhouse of the day. That also explains Can-Con.

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February 8, 2016 9:02 PM  #9

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Fausto wrote:

Okay, here's a dumb question: If "All this information was in both parties hands prior to the start of the trial", and there was a great chance of discreditation, why didn't the respective lawyers of the (3 thus far) accusers suggest to their clients a withdrawal of their charges?

You said it earlier "presumed innocent until proven guilty".  Further, in American there is a document that starts "We the People" and in Canada it's called the Charter of Rights.  The right to a fair trial in front of a jury of your peers or an impartial judge.  One could ask should Bernardo have a trial?  Should Dell Millard have a trial?   All parties have access to the same information prior to the start of a trial.  The legal teams then use their arguments in the hopes of convincing a jury.  In the Ghomeshi case it's a judge (as chosen by Ghomeshi I believe).  

As for the statement that one doesn't have to be good when it's taxpayer funded state broadcasting.  That's absolutely nonsense.  The CBC produces great programming & some weak programming.  BBC does the same.  Regarding ratings, Radio 1 trumps both CFRB & AM640.  You confuse your emotional point of view with actual fact because your comments imply you dislike public broadcasting. It's like saying "look, that guy drives a Harley and has tattoo's, he MUST be a criminal".  

Finally, let me debunk your "Can-con" argument.  Recently much of the Top 10 in the USA was..Canadian music.  Canadian music can be world class and is, but only when it's signed to an international label.  If it's signed to a Canadian label it's the kiss of death even IF the songs are good. 

Now, is Cancon a failure?  Well yes and no.  A major part of the "yes it's a failure" is because radio was just outright lazy.  Rather than hire people that understand music, it took the easy route out.  It played what it was fed & had no time to even investigate other options.  Now, in a dial full of "classic hits" the burnout factor is high.  


February 8, 2016 10:17 PM  #10

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

I do believe in innocence until proven guilty. But, if the accusers' lawyers knew their clients could be discredited that easily and quickly, why put them to "relive" any possible trauma again to no end? Comparing that to a Bernardo isn't the same as there was hardly any possibility of discreditable crossexamination.

As for good programming on the CBC. According to? Ratings? Or emotion? How much of Radio 1's "ratings" are strictly because of no commercials? Given the ad load of an RB, it seems CBC is able to deliver 30% more programming per hour. No commercials doesn't mean better programming. People would rather listen to bland shows over endless ads for geriatric clothiers that meander psychotic non sequiturs or very bad English followed by traffic, weather, breaking nudes, real estate hyperbole, unemployment lawyers, etc.

Quality is in the ear of the beholder. But, again, as their ratings are meaningless, they don't need to reach high.

Yes, there is plenty of great Canadian music today. But, is that a direct result of the can con rulings of the past or would we have gotten to this point naturally?

     Thread Starter

February 9, 2016 8:22 AM  #11

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

@Fausto.  "Comparing that to a Bernardo isn't the same as there was hardly any possibility of discreditable crossexamination."

Well how does that explain the situation with Karla?  To the average layman it was very clear she was willingly involved in those murders.  She got 12 years.  The law is ass. 

Now..come on, you don't really believe that CBC's ratings are high because of spot load.  And if CBC can deliver 30% more "bad, unlistenable programming" an hour logically wouldn't people tune out?  The fact is CBC produces some exceptional programming whether or not the biased, robot partisan right wing WANTS to accept that.  It's the same as CBC supposedly being left wing.  A week or so ago the host of CBC in Calgary (Eyeopener) was defending the oil sands.  Hardly sounds "left" wing to me. 

Re: Cancon.  Long ago, in a Baby Boomer galaxy far away, the common theme was that if it was Canadian, it sucked.  I remember as a kid in the 70's hearing that.  Today's generation makes no such differential.  They like what they like & country of origin doesn't much matter.  The likes of Justin Beiber, Drake, The Weeknd and even Nickelback would exist today with or without Cancon.  Like the bands or not they are talented & the numbers prove people like them.  What wouldn't exist is classic hits stations burning the same 100 songs into the ground.  But that's their own doing isn't it?  Dribble like Trooper had more than 1 song. 

Finally CBC's ratings are not meaningless.  They demonstrate the station's programming department IS making the correct choices.  They just don't have to sell it.  Let me turn this around on you.  A "typical" right wing response is that government has "no oversight" blah blah blah.  Well PPM's ARE oversight.  They demonstrate public money is being used on a successful endeavour.  



February 9, 2016 9:01 AM  #12

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Hathaway wrote:

Well PPM's ARE oversight.  They demonstrate public money is being used on a successful endeavour.  

Great! If that's the case, then they no longer need public money to survive. Oh, they only do that "unbiased" fabulous programming because each and every taxpayer is forced to pay for it? Chicken and egg. Much like the rest of the big, bad capitalist economy, let them fall on their own sword. Wouldn't we all love to work in an environment that, no matter what, we'll be bailed out by some other mysterious lifeforce?

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February 9, 2016 11:39 AM  #13

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Well Fausto, while we're on the topic of "taxpayers paying for things they don't want to" and perpetual bailouts, allow me to retort. 

I'm from Alberta. And while my province is currently enduring hard times over about the past 50 years has subsidized the rest of the country.  In the past 3-4 years that included billions to your province, Ontario. The economic train wreck that is Ontario is the fault of the voters & the government who lacked the foresight to plan ahead.  So while you take exception to tax dollars being used to subsidize the CBC, I shall take exception to MY tax dollars being used to inflate the Ontario economy. 

And ..on the topic of bailouts, I mean really?  Didn't we bail out the auto industry under the supreme leadership of Harper?  There ain't no train car loads of cash heading west for a oil bailout.  And, knowing the oil industry, I don't think they'd accept it. 

And do me a favour. Can you send the funds in Bitcoin please.  This way I avoid paying more taxes to line the coffers of Ms Wynne & crew.  



February 9, 2016 12:05 PM  #14

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

On behalf of the people of Ontario, I humbly, sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for the moronic way we have voted bringing in this government. I, by absolute no means, support a damn thing they represent, support and enact. As much as you dislike the negative tidal wave of septic backwash that is flowing downhill to the rest of this fine country, I am ashamed and furious that there isn't a logic test before hitting that ballot box.

If I could, I'd submit myself to a naked flogging. Sadly, I'm far too much of a pain wimp and can only suggest that once our government is elected with a majority, they'll also be defeated the same way.

Until then, I live vicariously through the rest of the country that isn't scammed by this false myopic utopia.

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February 9, 2016 2:03 PM  #15

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

Well I'm not really pissed off, I was just making a point.  We've all got something we dislike about the Feds & how things work.  But if you send me Waterloo Dark I'm good. 


February 9, 2016 10:02 PM  #16

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!




February 10, 2016 8:44 PM  #17

Re: Jian Ghomeshi-mania!

quadcities wrote:



I think the Ghomeshi thing is a good subject of debate.  Monsters (allegedly) are always among us but when they're public figures it's always a bigger deal.  The BBC just went through a shit storm over pedophiles (Saville was part of it I think).  It was a national issue and received a lot of media attention on the internet. 

Narcissism seems to run rampant in some broadcasters. I think they become detached from reality.  I think the same for politicians and big corporate types.  That's a dangerous place to be especially in a wired world. 


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